What do we do?
For a fixed fee we will:
How does it work?
Your self-assessment tax return is completed in three easy steps:
Contact us here, we will call or email you and discuss your needs. It's absolutely free and you're under no obligation.
We will send you an email to collect the information we need which you can return to us by email or post.
Your completed tax return is sent to you by email. Once you're happy we then file it electronically.
You must submit a Self-Assessment Tax Return if any of the following apply to you:
You were self-employed as a ‘sole trader’ and earned more than £1,000
You were a partner in a business partnership
You had a total taxable income of more than £150,000
You had to pay Capital Gains Tax when you sold or ‘disposed of’ something that increased in value
You had to pay the High Income Child Benefit Charge
You may also need to send a tax return if you have any untaxed income, such as:
money from renting out a property
tips and commission
income from savings, investments and dividends
foreign income
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